Several corporations are now supporting the homosexual agenda. These companies have been convinced by homosexual activists and the mainstream media that in order to be “fair and tolerant,” companies must make special rules for homosexuals and provide company money and resources to help promote their lifestyle. Many companies, at the urging of these groups, have also begun to support same-sex marriage.
The poll then asks you if you would be more or less likely to support a company who supported the homosexual agenda, or if it wouldn't make a difference. Filling out the petition signs you onto their email list, but you can unsubscribe (after you confirm your vote) by sending a blank email to
Those nice people at AFA want to know what we think -- I think we ought to tell them!
Click here to answer the poll.
Seems like that link is down, but thanks anyway for leading me to their web site. Interesting straw poll on the presidency I will blog about.
The helpful information
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